Jacksonville ABOTA
The Jacksonville Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates is dedicated to preserving the Civil Jury Trial System.
Our Mission
To promote and improve the American civil justice system and to preserve the Seventh Amendment right to civil jury trials for future generations.
Message from President Jamie Holland
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Being a professional is a higher calling. Being a lawyer is the highest calling. Being an ABOTA member is to embody and embrace both.
Each of our members donate countless hours in service: 1) to preserve what we hold dear, The Seventh Amendment; 2) to defend an independent Judiciary when they cannot speak in defense of themselves; and 3) to provide Civics Education to strengthen our Democracy and the knowledge of it.
Our local chapter has the legacy rich in tradition and steeped in accolades. Our members have served in leadership statewide and nationally. Our civics programs have provided teaching plans and educational materials to Duval County Civis Teachers and provided students with lectures and education on how fundamental our courts and our juries are and their role in fair resolution of civil disputes.
As the incoming President of the Jacksonville ABOTA Chapter, I have a personal goal of challenging each of our members to give more, and in turn feel the personal rewards that such service brings. Membership in ABOTA is an honor and the value of our membership is as strong as the service of each contributing individual. Let’s do more together.

Masters in Trial
Be a better trial lawyer. Learn from the Masters. The Masters in Trial program shows how some of the most successful trial lawyers in the county conduct at trial.